After weeks of the women flying under the radar with their secret alliance, Kim and the girls are ready to turn on guys. She gathers the girls on the beach to decide on a plan for the upcoming tribal council. Kim and Sabrina feel Troyzan or Jay need to go first because they are the strongest in competitions. Everyone is on board except Chelsea, who says she needs time to think because she promised her loyalty to both Troyzan and Jay.
The reward challenge is a do-it-yourself game that involves throwing weighted ropes at a pole with numbered pegs. The team to score the most points earns a picnic on a private island. Alicia, Jay, Troyzan, Tarzan and Kat make up one team while Leif, Chelsea, Kim, Sabrina and Christina make up the other. Tarzan clinched the win for his team.
Back at camp, Jay admits he is paranoid about the women uniting to form an alliance to pick off the guys. He pulls Kat, Sabrina, Kim and Chelsea together and voices his concerns. He makes them promise to vote Alicia out this week to even out the numbers. The girls agree to his plan, but they secretly promise to stick to their original plan to vote out Troyzan.
The immunity challenge requires the castaways to stand on a narrow ledge while holding their arm up in the air to keep a water bucket balanced. They can choose to drop out of the competition for food. Tarzan and Christina drop out before any food is presented. The girls fall in quick succession for cookies, candy and cupcakes. Troyzan accidentally falls. Chelsea, Leif and Jay remain until Jeff Probst uncovers chicken wings and beer. Jay drops out, leaving Chelsea and Leif to fight for immunity. Leif drops out for hamburgers after Chelsea promises he will be safe. Chelsea wins immunity and still gets food as Leif shares his hamburgers with her.
Back at camp, Troyzan starts to get paranoid about the girls. He shows Jay his hidden immunity idol and says he is probably going to use it just in case. Jay tries to talk him out of it, but Troyzan won’t listen. Troyzan starts trying to gather votes to eliminate Kim, but Jay goes to Kim with the information. Kim and the girls plus Tarzan decide to split their votes between Troyzan and Jay in case the idol is played.
At tribal council, Troyzan plays his idol and votes for Kim. The girls’ plan works and Jay is sent packing.
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