Tampa 4/14/2012 6:35:02 AM
News / Law

Morgan & Morgan, P.A. Notice to Gulf Coast Residents

Morgan & Morgan has been advised there are groups in the gulf coast region purporting to be representatives of our firm who are disseminating information about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill settlement with BP.  We understand these groups may have Morgan & Morgan documents in their possession.
These groups are not authorized by Morgan & Morgan to represent our firm, nor are they authorized to provide legal advice or other information about oil spill claims.  They are certainly not authorized to “sign up” clients on behalf of Morgan & Morgan.
Morgan & Morgan has offices in the gulf region and is actively involved in the BP litigation.  Only bonafide Morgan & Morgan employees and lawyers are authorized by the firm to advise clients and enter into contracts for representation.
Please call 1-800-MORGAN LAW for accurate information about the BP claims process or to verify if a person purporting to act for our firm is actually authorized.
About Morgan & Morgan 

Morgan & Morgan is one of the largest plaintiff’s law firms in the country with multiple office locations throughout Florida and the Southeast. The firm handles auto accident cases, personal injury cases, and medical malpractice cases, as well as claims against drug and medical device manufacturers. Visit Morgan and Morgan online at http://www.forthepeople.com/ for a free case evaluation and information about your legal rights.