New York 4/17/2012 12:15:05 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Plastic surgery is a guy thing these days

New York, NY- For the past couple of decades, plastic surgery and liposuction has mostly been a woman thing as they strive to improve their appearance. But men are now becoming more accepting of the idea of changing their appearance through surgical enhancements.

In 2011, 9 percent of all non-surgical and surgical cosmetic procedures were performed on men, while this may not seem like a large amount it represents a 121 percent increase since 1997.

For men liposuction and eyelid surgery ranked among the most popular procedures. In 2011, men had 41,000 liposuction procedures representing a percent increase over 2010. Close to 23,000 eyelid surgeries were also performed on men, a 6 percent increase over last year. Other procedures performed on men included rhinoplasty, eyelifts, facelifts and male breast reduction.

While women gravitated towards non-invasive procedures, which include Botox, laser and microdermabrasion procedures, men have not been shying away from more invasive procedures.

The days when people had liposuction or other cosmetic surgery and hid away for weeks while they recovered are no more. Popular television shows featuring nips and tucks along with open celebrities have helped lift the negative stigma of plastic surgery for men and women.

Not only can liposuction and plastic surgery help a man look better it can also help improve their self-esteem, which is especially important for the professional man. Men considering plastic surgery should speak with a board-certified surgeon to see how they can improve their appearance.