With Jay’s blindside last week the lines have been drawn and the girls’ alliance has become clear to the remaining guys - Troyzan, Tarzan and Leif. Troyzan only survived the previous tribal council because of his hidden immunity idol, so now Troyzan’s only hope lies with winning the next immunity challenge.
Back at camp, Troyzan gets into it with the women about Jay’s elimination. He confronts Christina about why she didn’t vote with him when she apparently promised that she would. The girls rise to Christina’s defense and from there the argument escalates with Troyzan ultimately vowing to do anything to survive.
Troyzan’s first glimmer of hope comes in the form of the Survivor auction. Each castaway is given $500 to spend on luxury items like food, letters from home and a shower. While everyone else bids on the luxury items, Troyzan saves all of his money to bid on the advantage in the next immunity challenge. Christina half-heartedly bids against him and drops out at the last minute much to the other girls’ annoyance. Troyzan scores the advantage.
After the auction Troyzan continues his fight for survival by openly looking for the new hidden immunity idol. He pretends to find it while Kim looks on so the girls will become paranoid.
Troyzan’s advantage in the immunity challenge allows him to skip to the second round. For round one, the first three people to untie a large knot will move on to round two. Round two involves bouncing coconuts off of a trampoline to hit three targets. The first two people to hit all three targets face off in the third and final round. The final round involves using a slingshot and coconuts and break three wooden tiles.
Kim, Christina and Tarzan move on to round two with Troyzan. Tarzan is surprisingly good at round two and moves on to face off against Troyzan for the immunity necklace. It comes down to one shot and Troyzan makes it. He secures his safety at tribal council, leaving the girls scrambling to come up with their next target.
Back at camp, Kim and Chelsea agree that another guy needs to go before they start picking off other girls. Their only options are Tarzan and Leif. Meanwhile, Troyzan is doing his best to convince Christina, Alicia, Tarzan and Leif to form an alliance with him so they can send Kim packing. Tarzan and Leif are not hard to convince; it’s Alicia and Christina that seem unsure. Troyzan argues that they will likely be the first of the girls alliance to go because Serena, Kim, Chelsea and Kat are running the show.
The girls end up sticking together at tribal council. They split their votes between Tarzan and Leif in case Troyzan has another hidden immunity idol. No idol is played and Leif becomes the next jury member.
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