Semantix has something new that it wants to share with you all! We have renewed our website, with a cleaner, fresher and more usable design. According to Laura Vilar, our Marketing Manager, “the site has been redesigned to provide more updated information and be visually more attractive, in line with the new Dixio Desktop image”.
The section for professionals is specifically aimed at dictionary publishers, e-reader and tablet manufacturers and schools.
It’s for publishers because the site provides them with information about our dictionary digitization service, aimed at their subsequent integration in reading devices with Dixio technology (Dixio eReader Solution). Dictionaries digitized with our eDix format also enable publishers to enhance digital books.
It’s for e-reader and tablet manufacturers, because it provides them with information about Dixio eReader Solution. It is the most advanced dictionary management and look-up technology on the market and enables integration of the Semantix API in e-readers and tablets or reading applications.
And it’s for schools because we want them to learn about Dixio, our smart dictionary, and its possibilities in the world of teaching. The site shows the advantages of Dixio Desktop, which students can use on their computers, and Dixio ForWeb, which is installed on websites and turns information into knowledge.
Ultimately, our new website is simpler, more intuitive and more usable. Feel free to take a look at it! You can also follow us on
Twitter or
Linkedin. You will be hearing from us again shortly, as we are preparing the inclusion of new languages in Dixio.