New York 4/24/2012 3:45:27 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Liposuction and plastic surgery procedures double in a decade

There can be no doubt that plastic surgery and liposuction has become increasingly popular. And new statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons showed that cosmetic surgeries have nearly doubled since 2000.

The driving force behind the growth is minimally invasive procedures such as Botox and chemical peels, which accounted 120 percent growth over the past decade. Cosmetic fillers give patients the chance to change their appearance and reduce the appearance of wrinkles with minimal downtime.

Overall, plastic surgeons performed 15 million procedures in 2011 generating billions of dollars in revenue.

Liposuction, tummy tucks, arm and breast lifts have become more popular as the number of bariatric surgeries rise. Many of these weight loss patients find that after they have lost excess weight they have extra skin or pockets of adipose tissue which makes them feel self-conscious about their appearance even though they are no longer overweight.

With liposuction, a bariatric patient can target the areas of their body that have the tendency to hold onto fat such as the stomach, thighs or buttocks. A skilled plastic surgeon will remove fatty tissue, giving their patients a trim and toned appearance.

Since liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure, recovery times are minimal so patients won’t miss too much time from work. Not only can liposuction eliminate ugly fat, it has the added benefit of increasing a person’s self-esteem.