November 13 2006 11/11/2006 2:49:01 AM
News / Politics

Human Rights Group Demands Justice In Sexual Predator Case

The child psychiatrist was stripped of his license to practice and labeled a sexual predator by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia last month.

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights has asked the Senior Research Officer of the Billing Integrity Program, Medical Services Plan if they are checking up on psychiatrist Richard Golden to see if he billed MSP for his three year sexual activities with three teenage girls who had come to him for help. The “help” which ended up in the child psychiatrist engaging in kissing, fondling, masturbation and oral sex with one of the girls in his office. 

In another case, the psychiatrist asked his patient if she was a virgin, asked her to say things about her underwear and asked her questions of her sexual activities.
The child psychiatrist was stripped of his license to practice and labeled a sexual predator by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia last month after finding him guilty of sexual relations with three teenage female patients between 2000 and 2005

Three separate lawsuits for sexual assault by his three woman victims have now been filed in the Supreme Court of British Columbia against Dr. Golden.

One patient was 15 and two were 17 when they began seeing Golden for certain difficulties in life.

Since the complaints of his perverted sexual behavior began to surface it has become obvious that the “wagons have been circling” because Golden now has been conveniently diagnosed as suffering from an incurable “mental illness” by psychiatrists Ronald A. Remmick and Michael Myers, two of Golden’s colleagues. Golden’s wife, Susan Golden, who is also a psychiatrist, has had her husband declared mentally incompetent in the period after the sexual assaults on the teenage girls. She is also named in the civil suits as she should have provided safety to these girls at their west side family practice.

Golden has not been indicted yet but an ordinary citizen would have been arrested charged by now. Why not Golden? This question is being asked by many people, including members of CCHR, who want criminal charges pressed against the psychiatrist and are insisting too that Golden be placed on the sexual offender’s registry to protect society’s children from harm.

The complaint process carried out by various medical boards and colleges has been thwarted, in part, by the belief that psychiatrists like Golden are somehow above the law and beyond reproach. However, evidence indicates that women are at very great risk of being sexually assaulted while in a psychiatrist's office.       

Brian Beaumont, spokesperson for the British Columbia chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), said Psychiatric sexual assault is commonplace over the world, but all too often the perpetrator is only slapped on the wrist by being given a fine or suspension from practice for these criminal activities.  But CCHR is going to carry through until those of Golden's ilk are behind bars where they belong."

The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of Scientology to investigate and expose psychiatric violations of human rights.

If you know anyone, including a child, who has been abused or harmed by a psychiatrist call The Citizens Commission on Human Rights at 1-800-670-2247. Complete confidentiality assured.