Sarasota 4/25/2012 12:04:33 AM
News / Law

Sarasota officials reluctant to ban alcohol on Siesta Beach, despite DUI death

The family and friends of Donna Chen, a woman who lost her life to a drunken driver, coming from Siesta Beach in January, launched a campaign to have alcohol banned on the beach. But police and city officials are reluctant to take up the issue.

Chen’s family and friends have appealed to the police and city officials to have alcohol banned on Siesta Beach and have collected 3,000 signatures to urge lawmakers to enforce a ban. A Sarasota drunk driving lawyer may agree that a ban on the beach would not stop drunk drivers.  

“It really seems like nobody wants to take responsibility,” said Dinise MacPhail Chen’s sister, “The Sherriff is going to pass this off to the commissioners and the commissioner are going to pass it back to the Sherriff’s office and hope it goes away.”

Officials don’t see the need for a ban, citing that of the 104 DUI arrests on Siesta Beach last year only one can be attributed to drinking on the beach. The Sherriff’s office said they were reticent to take up the issue because a ban would infringe on a person’s 4th amendment rights.

The main issue is personal responsibility, while a ban may prevent some DUIs, it doesn’t prevent people from taking personal responsibility and choosing not to get behind the wheel when they are drunk. Alcohol seriously affects a person’s inhibitions, and while it may not seem like a mistake at the time, intoxicated driving is not only dangerous, but it can adversely affect a person’s future which can only be negated with the assistance of a Sarasota drunk driving lawyer.

People who are charged with DUI should hire a Sarasota drunk driving lawyer to help them possible reduce their charges and appeal for leniency.