Brentwood, TN 7/31/2009 4:08:18 AM
News / Education

Demerol: What it is and How it Becomes Addictive

The Canyon gives some details on the prescription drug, Demerol.

Demerol is the brand name for the drug meperidine or pethidine. It belongs to the opioid narcotic pain reliever family and has effects similar to morphine but is considered to be safer and less likely to cause addiction. First introduced in the 1930s, Demerol was used as a potent analgesic and utilized mostly for muscle spasms.

When prescribed by medical professionals Demerol comes in three dosages. The smallest is 50 mg and is a white, round, convex, scored tablet. The 100mg is the same as the 50mg except for the scores. The last is comes in a syrup form which has 50mg per 5 mL and is banana flavored. This drug is taken every three to four hours as needed with the effects being felt in 10-15 minutes and lasting for two to three hours.

Sadly, Demerol is not always taken under a medical prescription. The meperidine in Demerol creates a liability factor in the drug which has lead to many users become addicts.  When it is abused, this drug is crushed, chewed, snorted or can be dissolved and injected.

In addition to the adverse effects common to all opioids, such as constipation, dry mouth, lightheadedness and nausea, the pethidine in Demerol can lead to neurotoxic effects. And if administered intravenously, there is a serious risk of triggering histamine release.

An overdose of Demerol can be a fatal. Overdose symptoms may include:

·         Extreme drowsiness

·         Muscle weakness

·         Confusion

·         Cold and clammy skin

·         Pinpoint pupils

·         Slow heart rate

·         Fainting

·         Coma

If you or someone you know needs help with Demerol or any other drug addiction, please call 877.714.1319. Admissions counselors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to answer any questions you might have about addiction and the treatment needed to overcome.

About Foundations Recovery Network

Foundations Recovery Network is a premier organization for treating persons with addiction and mental health disorders. The company oversees four dual diagnosis treatment centers: Michael’s House in Palm Springs, Calif.; La Paloma in Memphis, Tenn.; and The Canyon in Malibu, Calif.