New York 4/25/2012 9:07:32 PM
News / Law

Pradaxa Related Bleeds May Warrant Legal Action

Patients who experienced serious Pradaxa bleeding events while taking the blood thinning medication may have legal recourse against the manufacturer. A handful of lawsuits have already been filed on behalf of users who allegedly suffered serious Pradaxa bleeding episodes, and it is expected that more claims will follow. If you or a loved one took Pradaxa and suffered a serious bleeding episode, such as brain hemorrhaging, after a fall or minor trauma, you may be able to file a claim for medical bills and other damages. To find out if you have legal recourse for your Pradaxa bleeding claim, visit and complete the free case review form. 

It has been reported that at least three Pradaxa lawsuits have been filed against the drug’s manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals. One of the cases is a wrongful death lawsuit, filed by the daughter of a Tennessee woman who claims that her mother died due to her use of Pradaxa. According to the Pradaxa lawsuit, the patient was prescribed the blood thinner in early 2011 to treat a type of cardiac arrhythmia known as atrial fibrillation. Two months after the drug was prescribed, the woman allegedly suffered a massive gastrointestinal bleed. According to reports, this Pradaxa death lawsuit claims that the manufacturer failed to warn patients about the risk of Pradaxa bleeding and released a drug which does not have an antidote and is no safer than older alternatives. It has been alleged that any bleeding on Pradaxa has the potential to be serious, as there is no simple antidote to stop excessive bleeding. 

Patients who experienced a serious bleeding episode while taking Pradaxa, as well as loved ones acting on their behalf, may have legal recourse in light of these allegations. Potentially, these individuals may be able to file a Pradaxa lawsuit seeking compensation for medical bills and other damages. While taking legal action cannot reverse an injury or bring a loved one back, it can help to provide financial stability during a difficult time. To learn more about your eligibility for a Pradaxa bleeding lawsuit, visit for a free evaluation of your claim. The Pradaxa attorneys working with the site are providing this consultation at no cost and with no obligation. 

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