New York 4/25/2012 10:46:51 PM
News / Health & Wellness

South Korea ranks number one in plastic surgery

Because the U.S. is notorious for their obsession with physical perfection and ideal beauty, one might think the country takes the top slot for plastic surgery in the world as a percentage of the overall population, but this isn’t the case. South Korea, amazingly, takes the gold for the most plastic surgery procedures worldwide, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons.

Plastic surgery has taken Asia by storm and of these countries South Korea has the largest clientele.  Eye lifts, liposuction and nose jobs are the most popular for people in the country, with eye lifts ranking at number one.

“In Asia, it’s very common for patients to want more western-looking eyes,” according to president of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeon.

Coming in at number two and three are Greece and Italy, respectively. Despite Greece’s dire economy, breast augmentations took the top slot with penis enlargements also being popular. And for the Italiansliposuction was the number one invasive surgery with Botox coming in second.

Brazil in Columbia took the number four and five positions with most patients in these countries requesting liposuction and breast augmentations.

The U.S. actually came in sixth and not so surprisingly breast augmentations and liposuction were in high demand for those seeking invasive plastic surgeries with Botox taking the top position for non-invasive cosmetic enhancements.

Liposuction is a popular procedure worldwide because it allows a patient to reduce or eliminate fat from the body, making them more physically attractive and giving their self-esteem a significant boost.