Washington 4/26/2012 1:31:11 AM
News / Law

Study shows returning soldiers involved in more accidents

Soldiers returning from active duty are more likely to have traffic accidents six months after returning home, according to a study by USAA Property and Casualty Insurance Company, who insures only members of the military and their families.

According to the results of the study, at- fault accidents rates increased 13 percent higher the six months after they came home compared to the six months prior to deployment. Accident rates for enlisted soldiers were 22 percent higher than officers.

Troops with multiple deployments had even higher rates of traffic accidents. Those returning from their third deployment were 36 percent more likely to have an accident while soldiers returning from their first deployment were 12 percent more likely to be involved in an at-fault accident.

Experts believe that the higher incidents of accidents are due on past to soldiers still driving in a combat state of mind. Soldiers stationed in conflict areas are in survival mode and don’t stop for traffic signs, they drive fast and make sudden, unexpected turns. In many accidents, “objects in the road” are citied for a collision.

Driving methods that saved their lives on deployment can now wreak havoc at home.

As any accident attorney knows, a collision can result in severe injuries or death. Though most people don’t intend to hurt another, negligent drivers will have to face the consequences of their actions often through a financial settlement obtained by an accident lawyer.

Personal injury victims, who hire experienced accident attorneys, will receive the compensation they deserve for the suffering they endure.