Los Angeles 4/26/2012 4:00:37 AM
News / Law

Bobby Brown makes a plea in DUI case, avoids additional jail time

Bobby Brown was able to avoid additional jail time for his DUI arrest last month after his drunk driving lawyer was able to make a deal with prosecutors.

Last month TMZ reported that Reseda, California police pulled him over for talking on his cell phone while driving. The officers stated he reeked of alcohol. Police then determined that Brown was intoxicated and took him into custody. A blood test revealed that his alcohol content was .12, over the California legal limit of .08.

Brown agreed to a plea deal, and in exchange prosecutors dropped the DUI charge. His penalty included one day in jail, which he already served, a 90-day alcohol treatment program, and 36 months of summary probation. He faced a year in jail if convicted of the charges.

A highly skilled drunk driving lawyer can help an offender reduce their penalties by agreeing to make a plea with the court and by volunteering to participate in an alcohol treatment program.  

Brown has had a history of run-ins with law which included a prior DUI in Florida. This incident took place in 1996 and Brown spent 8 days in jail.

Prosecutors and courts view DUI as serious offences and will often hand down severe penalties to the guilty parties. The best way for those charged with DUI to negate some of the resulting penalties is to hire a proficient drunk driving lawyer to represent them in court.