Concord 4/26/2012 10:50:56 PM
News / Law

Concord settles sexual harassment case against police officer for $150K

A sexual harassment lawsuit filed against the Concord Police Department has been settled out of court for $150,000.

The lawsuit was filed by an employee for the department, Wendy Schwartzenberger against the department’s senior female officer Lt. Robin Heinemann. Schwartzenberger  hired a sexual harassment attorney and filed her lawsuit in March 2011.

According to the allegations, Heinemann, who was Schwartzenberger’s supervisor, repeatedly subjected her to sexual harassment over several years. Incidents include unwanted sexual advances, comments and touching.

Heinemann is accused of grabbing Schwartzenberger once during a photo shot with a community group. Heinemann would also hug and kiss Schwartzenberger from the front and behind.

Heinemann referred to Schwartzenberger as “a good little dyke,” and told her she would like to a have a three-way with Schwartzenberger in the middle. Heinemann also once asked Schwartzenberger to go out for “a drink and a f**k.” Heinemann is also accused of outing Schwartzenberger as a lesbian during a lunch with coworkers.

Schwartzenberger filed the lawsuit against the city because she alleges they knew about the harassment and failed to do anything about the behavior. In many instances, employees who are subjected to this behavior find that they only way they can put a halt to it is to retain a sexual harassment lawyer.

Heinemann, in the past 13 years, has filed two sexual harassment lawsuits against the city, winning settlements totaling $300,000.

The City of Concord agreed to settle the case out of court for $150,000, which will come out of taxpayer funds.

An experienced sexual harassment attorney can reach a settlement with the accused and win a large settlement on behalf of their clients.