Concord 4/27/2012 3:56:48 AM
News / Law

California lawmaker was legally intoxicated at time of arrest

California assemblyman Roger Hernandez was arrested last month for DUI, but asserted his innocence stating that blood test results would prove his innocence. Well, the results have come back and prove he was “legally intoxicated.”

Last month Hernandez was arrested in the parking lot of a Glendora hotel in a state issued vehicle after visiting a friend. When police stopped Hernandez he insisted that he had only had one or two beers. He was giving a blood test, which has now revealed he had a blood alcohol content of .08, which is the legal limit for California.

Driving over the legal limit can have serious consequences which can only be negated with the aid of a drunk driving lawyer.

Once the test results were release Hernandez apologized and turned in his vehicle.

A statement from Hernandez said, “The results from the blood alcohol test released today and are a huge wake up call for me. I may have made a poor judgment thinking that I was sober enough to drive after a couple of drinks over the course of an evening. Had I thought I was mentally or physically impaired to drive I would not have gotten behind the wheel.”

Drunk driving lawyers have many clients who are charged with a DUI after just one or two drinks. These individuals may not realize they are intoxicated and could end up paying for this indiscretion for years. Their only hope for leniency is to retain a knowledgeable drunk driving lawyer who will be able to negotiate for reduced charges and penalties.