New York 4/28/2012 1:47:35 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Innovative liposuction techniques cause a surge in popularity of procedure

Even though liposuction is one of the most sought plastic surgeries in the U.S. and around the world, the number of procedures have experienced a slight decline in the past decade. Thanks to new and innovative techniques the popularity of liposuction is once again rising.

Liposuction techniques that use ultra-sound, lasers and power-assisted tools can give patients optimal results.

“This is the beginning of a trend,” says Dr. Evan Sorkin, a Delaware plastic surgeon, “As new methods such as SmartLipo and VASER Lipo become more available, we will begin to see an even greater increase in the use of this procedure.”

SmartLipo uses lasers to dissolve the fat and has the added benefit of tightening the skin, along with encouraging the growth of collagen. SmartLipo can be used in regions of the body that are too small for traditional tumescent liposuction.

VASER Lipo utilizes ultra-sound to dissolve the unwanted fatty tissue.

These innovative procedures results in less trauma to the patient and allows for a speedier recovery time.

A power-assisted liposuction tool allows a plastic surgeon to regulate the speed at which a plastic surgeon suctions out adipose tissue. This helps the doctor avoid physician fatigue when operating on large regions.

Though not all cosmetic surgeons use these new techniques in their practices, they are increasing in popularity and more surgeons will adapt these techniques.