San Marino, CA 4/28/2012 2:34:55 AM
News / Law

Disabled woman facing foreclosure arrested in front of bank executive's California home

A disabled woman, who is facing foreclosure, was arrested Thursday night when she attempted to deliver a payment at the home a Wells Fargo executive.

While some people, with the help of a foreclosure attorney, are able to get a mortgage modification, Ana Casas is facing eviction because the bank denied her request for a loan modification.

“He took me out of my house, I came to stay in his,” Casas told the Pasadena Star-News, “He has plenty of room, I’ll just bring my family here.”

Casas who suffers from cerebral palsy refused to leave until Sloan accepted her payment or police arrested her. Just two hours after the protest began, police arrested Casas for unlawful assembly and took her away in an ambulance.

Casas was served with a default notice after she was diagnosed with breast cancer and her husband lost income because he missed work to care for her. She missed a couple of payments, but since that time their income has become more stable and even though she can now afford to make her mortgage payments, Wells Fargo has been unresponsive.

“When we were trying to get a modification, they said they would help us, then we never heard from them again,” Casas said, “We only missed a month or two and they said they didn’t want to work with us again.”

Wells Fargo has been under scrutiny over the past couple of weeks, when an insider revealed that they encouraged employees to push foreclosure paperwork quickly and exposed that they refused modifications to eligible homeowners. Even when a homeowner has a foreclosure lawyer fighting for them, banks are reluctant to grant loan modifications.

When a homeowner is facing eviction a foreclosure attorney can offer solutions that can keep them in their homes.