Birmingham 5/1/2012 12:18:09 AM
News / Law

Alabama forced to detain DUI offender because U.S. doesn’t recognize native country

The state of Alabama has been forced to detain a DUI offender, who has at least 35 charges because the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t recognize his native country.

Soyfan Eldani, 45, is a native of Palestine, but despite his numerous offenses some of which are drug and alcohol-related, federal agents cannot deport him because the U.S. doesn’t recognize his home country.

According to the Brimingham News Eldani has been arrested for assault, check fraud, reckless endangerment, shoplifting along with numerous other offenses. His most recent arrest was for DUI and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Eldani has to stay on Alabama to answer to his recent drug trafficking charges. He has at least 9 convictions, four of them are felonies.

A DUI or DWI carries severe penalties which will have a negative impact on a person’s life. Oftentimes a DUI or DWI can result in jail time, loss of driver’s license and very expensive fines. Their best option to negate some of these punishments is to hire an Alabama DUI attorney.

Anyone who has been arrested can contest the charges they face if they hire an Alabama DWI lawyer immediately after their arrest. After careful evaluation, a drunk driving lawyer will determine which DUI defense will benefit their clients the most. There are times when a breathalyzer fails to register the correct blood alcohol content.

Even though the courts prosecute drunk drivers aggressively, an accomplished DUI lawyer can offer a plea and possible have the offenders charges reduced.

Whether this is a first, second or third DUI, the offender will need a strong defense. In some circumstances a DWI attorney can have intoxicated driving charges reduced or even dismissed altogether, depending on the individual’s circumstances.