Palmer 5/1/2012 11:25:59 PM
News / Law

Palmer woman gets second DUI in two weeks

A Palmer woman has been charged with her second DUI in two weeks following a stop for routine traffic violations.

Early this morning, the Bureau of Highway Patrol pulled over the driver of a Chevy Impala for following too closely and a lane violation. During the stop police noticed the driver seemed intoxicated.

Amy B. Little, 39, of Wasilla was promptly arrested for DUI. Police then discovered she was out on bail for a DUI she received two weeks prior.

She has been charged with DUI and Violating the Conditions of her release on the previous DUI.

Little now faced with her second intoxicated driving charge will need to hire an experienced Alaska DUI attorney to help her build a strong DUI defense.  

Gone are the days when a person could easily get their DUI charges reduced to reckless driving. Judges these day often hand down harsh penalties, often times landing a person on jail or having their driving privileges revoked, along with stiff fines.  

After a second or third DUI or DWI, the penalties get even tougher and without the help of an Alaska DUI lawyer a person may end up spending up to a year in jail.

But a drunken driving charge doesn’t have to negatively affect a person’s life or future. With the representation of an Alaska DUI attorney, an offender can contest their charges which can result in a dismissal or reduction of their offense.