Anchorage 5/2/2012 1:42:25 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Alaska residents can have a perfect body with liposuction

Alaska may be last wild frontier, and while it may be covered in snow for most of the winter that doesn’t mean men and women in the state don’t want to have a trim and toned body. With the arrival of spring and summer some Alaska residents may find they have piled on the fat during the cold winter months and are looking for to improve the way their body looks. For many the solution to their body woes is liposuction.

It’s natural that we put on extra weight in the winter, after all that extra flesh helps keep the body warm, but it can be difficult to shed those few extra pounds. Diet and exercise can help, but sometimes there are areas that are resistant to our efforts. Luckily, there are a number of liposuction doctors in the state that can help those souls who are discontented with the pockets of fat that ruin their figures.

Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that can change a person’s life by giving them the opportunity to contour their bodies. Through this procedure an Alaska liposuction doctor will use Laser Lipo, Smart lipo, or traditional tumescent lipo to gently remove extra resilient fat from the stomach, thighs or buttocks.

But the possibilities don’t stop there; a skilled plastic surgeon can also trim up the neck, eliminating the turkey-neck look, get rid of flab on the arms and even the ankles. For a patient the liposuction possibilities are endless.