Phoenix 5/2/2012 3:25:09 AM
News / Law

New Hampshire lawmakers endorse Arizona immigration law

Lawmakers in New Hampshire have endorsed a resolution that supports the tough Arizona immigration law which gives police the power to stop and detain anyone they suspect of being in the country illegally.

But only people opposed to the law showed up at a Senate hearing where the resolutions sponsor didn’t even attend. Those opposed to the state’s endorsement of the draconian provision expressed the same concerns as immigration attorneys and civil rights activists; the law is a slippery slope to racial profiling.

One detractor told the assembly, “Except for the native people we are all immigrants, we here in this room are the descendants of immigrants and some of us are the descendants of illegal immigrants.”

The New Hampshire resolution says that illegal immigrants cost the American taxpayers billions of dollars in welfare, health care, education, and prison costs. It states that New Hampshire supports Arizona’s rights to protect its borders and citizens.

Though the New Hampshire endorses Arizona’s immigration law they have failed to pass similar laws in their state.

Despite a recent Pew study which showed that immigration from Mexico has reached net zero, many states are considering laws to crackdown on immigration. Immigrants who have chosen to enter the country without a green card or a work visa or have not retained an immigration lawyer to help them naturalization all face the possibility of being deported.

An immigration attorney can assist a person with all of their immigration needs whether it is an HB-1 visa, a work visa or citizenship. With their help, it will be easier to navigate the complex immigration system.