New York 5/2/2012 4:00:51 AM
News / Law

Judge gives sexual harassment suit against Bret Farve the green light

A Manhattan Judge said there was enough evidence to allow a sexual harassment lawsuit against former New York Jets player Brett Farve to go forward.

Two women, who worked as massage therapists for the Jets filed a civil lawsuit against after Farve and the New York Jets after he sent them sexually-charged text messages in 2008.

With a highly-skilled New York sexual harassment attorney on their side the woman will be eligible for compensation.

The two women, Christina Scavo and Shannon O’Toole say they were subjected to harassment and discrimination. They also allege they were fired from their part-times jobs with the team after they complained about the text messages, sexual harassment lawyers refer to this as retaliation, which is strictly forbidden by federal law.

In one instance Favre sent a text message, asking the two women over, stating he was “lonely” and had “bad intentions.”

Favre who was married when he sent the texts and the Jets say the lawsuit is without merit. But a New York Judge believes there is enough evidence to allow the suit to go to trial. This means Favre will have to be deposed and will be forced to testify in court.

The next hearing for the sexual harassment suit is scheduled for June.

The women and their New York sexual harassment attorney are seeking unspecified damages from Favre, The Jets and the teams massage coordinator.