IAIMS created InsuranceRivals.com to allow on line shoppers to easily compare rates between local insurance agents and the on-line direct writers like GEICO and Progressive. That’s where the ‘Rivals’ comes into play. IAIMS stands for Insurance Agent Internet Marketing Systems. That said, IAIMS also knows that some on line shoppers prefer to compare rates between local insurance agents and direct writers that operate from one central location. This is the primary reason IAIMS built InsuranceRivals.com.
InsuranceRivals.com consists of the main web site as well as the five line specific sites, CarInsuranceRivals.com, HomeInsuranceRivals.com, LifeInsuranceRivals.com, BusinessInsuranceRivals.com, and HealthInsuranceRivals.com. Each of these web sites allows shoppers to choose a zip code and view 10 available quote sources. These quote sources are links to local insurance agents, direct writers, and insurance quote aggregators. Quote aggregators are consumer portals that are owned and controlled by leads vendors. Leads vendors collect quote information and then sell it to multiple local agents within the shopper’s community. Typically agents pay between $12 to $30 per lead, pending on the type of insurance requested. Some leads vendors will sell the shoppers information to just one local agent, naturally for a higher price. The industry calls this an exclusive lead.
Local agent listings in InsuranceRivals.com typically display the agent’s logo, location and contact information. Additionally, there is a map link in the listing as well as an agency web site link. Some of these agents, usually independent agents, offer quote multi-rater systems within their web sites thus allowing the on line shopper to get multiple quote comparisons from all of the companies that the agent represents.
InsuranceRivals.com is free to consumers and is all about empowering the on line insurance shopper with the ability to compare rates between all the sources of insurance quotes via one easy to use web site.