Russellville 5/3/2012 10:08:28 PM
News / Law

Arkansas man faces $25,000 bond after arrest for 10th DUI

A Russellville man is facing a felony DUI and $25,000 bond after he was arrested over the weekend for his 10th DUI or DWI.

William Hogue, 30, was arrested at 5:31 p.m. on Sunday when police observed him weaving in the inside lane and driving on the white shoulder line of State Highway 7.

According to the police report, Hogue failed field sobriety tests and showed several signs of intoxication. A blood alcohol content test registered .28 percent, three times the legal limit. This was Hogue’s 4th DWI arrest.

His arrests span over a decade. His first DUI arrest was in 1996 and has since accumulated 9 other arrests. He was ordered not to drive or drink by a judge for one of his prior arrests.

Since every state recognizes difference between a DWI and DUI, any individual arrested for either of these charges needs to hire an Arkansas DUI attorney to represent them in court.

Since this was Hogue’s 4th DWI arrest, he faces up to six years in jail.

After one or two intoxicated driving arrests a DUI lawyer may be able to appeal to the court and plead for leniency for their clients. Judges often realize that a first intoxicated driving charge may have been a careless mistake, but after multiple offences the court will hand down tough penalties.

An individual should meet with an Arkansas DUI attorney after their arrest to begin building their DUI defense. With the help of a lawyer the accused may have their resulting DUI penalties reduced and avoid jail time.