Fort Smith 5/4/2012 12:25:20 AM
News / Law

Arkansas Circuit court clerk faces challenger amid sexual harassment scandal

With primaries approaching in May, incumbent Sebastian County Circuit Court, Ken Blevins is being challenged by Denora Coomer as he fights allegations of sexual harassment.

Four circuit court employees say that Blevins created a hostile working environment after he subjected the four women to repeated incidents of sexual harassment. According to their allegations the work place abuses included unwanted touching, where Blevins would pat their backs, rub their shoulders and hug them. Blevins even suggested that the office have “Bikini Fridays.

A county grievance committee found Blevins guilty of sexual harassment, but could take no action because he is an elected official. However, a sexual harassment attorney could file a lawsuit on behalf of the women.

Blevins was also accused of retaliation after he fired two of the women for insubordination, but had to reinstate them after the grievance committee stated their allegations of harassment had merit.

Blevins maintains that he did not harass the women and is, instead, guilty of naiveté by trying to make the workplace friendly.

Employees subjected to repeated and pervasive harassment often find their employers are reluctant to take action against the offender, when this happens hiring an Arkansas sexual harassment attorney may be the only way to end the abuse.

Sexual harassment is a problem in the workplace despite the federal laws forbidding the abuse. When the victims of this hostile behavior have suffered emotionally an Arkansas sexual harassment attorney can seek to obtain damages for the victim’s suffering.