Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract, as seen on TV, is a natural health supplement that has recently been discovered as a magical weight loss solution. If you are an avid Doctor Oz follower you have probably already seen the episode where he recommends
Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract and coins it the "magical bean".
Over the past several months there have been dozens of studies at universities and medical facilities indicating Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract induces weight loss without modifying diet or exercise routines. Since the Doctor Oz episode, many individuals are purchasing and using green coffee extract to lose weight effectively. Tons of testimonials are popping up all around the web and it has only been a week since the mainstream is catching on to the trend.
On the recent Doctor Oz episode it is recommended that you choose a PURE green coffee bean extract that is free of fillers. For maximum effects 800-1000mg of the supplement should be taken with a large glass of water prior to meals, twice per a day.
The episode of Doctor Oz explains that the key component of green coffee extract that is responsible for the weight loss properties is chlorogenic acid. The effect of chlorogenic acid in the human body is a delayed release of glucose and a metabolism boost. The effects lead to your body burning more calories more efficiently.
The most important thing to remember when choosing a green coffee bean extract is to choose one that is pure. Often times low quality supplements flood the market when studies like this are found.
GreenCoffee PURE is the leading premium brand that contains 100% pure green coffee bean extract.
Losing weight can be a frustrating process. While diet and exercise can be effective, often times supplements are a great option to help achieve weight loss goals. With so much evidence indicating that green coffee extract causes weight loss it can be hard to ignore. If you would like to learn more about green coffee bean extract visit
www.GreenCoffeeBeansHQ.com and browse the in depth information.