Complete the survey here:
The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete, and is open until the end of June.
The BI Survey is the world’s largest annual survey of BI users, with last year’s report compiled from over 3000 individual responses.
According to BARC, all participants will:
Receive a summary of the results from the full survey
Be entered into a draw to win one of ten $50 Amazon vouchers
Ensure that your experiences are included in the final analyses
BARC guarantees that participants’ details will not be passed on to any third-party organizations.
The study gathers input from a large number of organizations to better understand their buying decisions, their implementation cycles and the benefits they achieve from using BI software.
The BI Survey 11 is strictly vendor-independent: “BARC does not accept vendor sponsorship of the survey, and the results are analyzed and published without any vendor involvement,” BARC said in a statement.
More on BARC:
For more on The BI Survey 11, contact Silke Hopf at BARC:
To complete the survey, go here:
What is Business Intelligence software?
Business Intelligence (BI) refers to a broad range of computer software applications and tools used to report, analyze and present data in a range of formats, to help businesses identify trends and opportunities, and support fundamental decision-making.
About Yellowfin
Yellowfin is a global Business Intelligence (BI) software vendor headquartered and developed in Melbourne, Australia. Yellowfin is a highly intuitive 100 percent Web-based reporting and analytics solution.
Lachlan James
Level 46, 360 Elizabeth Street,
Melbourne 3000, Victoria, Australia