Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are devastating and life-threatening disorders. Choosing the right treatment facility is crucial in overcoming these disorders. We offer you referrals and recommendations to the finest luxury eating disorders treatment facilities in the world, because you deserve no less than the best in both treatment and accommodations. If you think you're suffering from an eating disorder, you need to get treatment right away. Because disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa have become common, there are many different places you can go for treatment. You could choose anything from an outpatient program to a live-in, long-term residential program. Some ED clinics are in a hospital-like setting, while others try to make you feel at home.
And then there are luxury treatment centers for eating disorders. There are good facilities worldwide that have clinical settings, and even outpatient programs that are good after you've been in residential treatment. But when you're looking for the finest luxury treatment facilities, there are still several to choose from. We'll help you pick the ones that are potential matches for you. After all, not every eating disorders facility will be right for every person. You're unique, and what works for someone else might not work for you.
Dangers of Eating Disorders
The most commonly talked about eating disorder is anorexia nervosa. With this disorder, a strong fear of gaining weight causes a person to eat very little, and sometimes stop eating altogether. Body weight drops below a healthy minimum weight, but the person suffering still feels like she needs to lose weight. She sees herself as if in a funhouse mirror. Though she's extremely thin, she sees an overweight person who still needs to lose weight. This distorted body image leads to more weight loss. If not caught early, weight loss can become so extreme that it becomes life threatening. While mostly women and girls develop anorexia nervosa, a small percentage of victims are men. Aside from weight issues, there are control issues for someone suffering from anorexia. The ability to control everything that goes into a person's body makes them feel powerful. And the more they restrict what they eat, the more in control they feel.
Bulimia nervosa is another common eating disorder, with health consequences that are just as potentially deadly as those found with anorexia. With such extreme consequences, it's important to find the best option when it comes to an eating disorders treatment center. With bulimia, the person doesn't restrict her food intake. Instead, she often does something called binge eating and purging. She'll eat excessive amounts of rich, fattening foods in a binge, and then cause herself to vomit to avoid digesting the calories. Sometimes it becomes so extreme that the sufferer feels the need to purge even small, healthy meals. Any food taken in must be purged out before the calories can be absorbed. The frequent vomiting erodes the surface of the teeth and damages the esophagus. And the person slowly starves, just as with anorexia. Both those suffering from bulimia and anorexia may use other dangerous practices to lose weight, like compulsive exercising, and using laxatives and diuretics.
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This is a referral site that refers only to the finest eating disorder treatment facilities in the world.
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