East Haven, CT 5/8/2012 10:48:47 PM
News / Law

Connecticut driver charged with DUI after crashing into liquor store

A 63 year-old New Haven woman is now facing a DUI and blames her accident, where she crashed into a liquor store, on Armor All and Nyquil.

Sharon Brooks was driving her car on Foxon Road around 2 p.m. on April 27th, when she crossed over a sidewalk and crashed into the front of Yankee Discount Liquor.

The woman’s car slammed through the front going halfway through the store, crashing into the counter and crushed bottles of wine. An employee working inside was injured and taken to a local hospital with minor injuries.

Police charged Brooks with DUI and reckless driving. In Connecticut, a first drunk driving charge can result in 6 months in jail, a one-year suspension of driver’s license and up to $1,000 in fines. These penalties can be reduced if the offender hires a Connecticut DUI attorney to represent before the judge.

Brooks told police she had a cold and was taking Nyquil. She also said her car was recently detailed and the Armor All used on the brake pedal caused her foot to slip.

“I never had the whole inside of my car cleaned before and this time I did it so it would look really nice and my foot slipped off the brake.” Brooks told NBC Connecticut.

Even a simple mistake can lead to an accident or a DUI. Since intoxicated driving charges come with tough penalties, it’s important that the person charged hire a DUI or DWI lawyer to work on their DUI defense.

DUI lawyer makes their client their top priority and will do all in their power to have the charges reduced and the resulting penalties minimized.