Newton 5/9/2012 1:06:56 AM
News / Law

Connecticut man pleads guilty to 28 year-old murder of wife he was divorcing

A troubled Vietnam veteran, John Heath pleaded guilty to murder May 1st, a year after his wife’s body was found under the floor of a barn on his former property.

Elizabeth Heath was reported missing in 1984 just days after John Heath filed for divorce. Elizabeth disappeared from her home, leaving many of her possessions. Her family was always suspicious about her disappearance and believed John may have been responsible.

A contractor, renovating a barn that was once owned my John, found Elizabeth’s body in a cistern under a subfloor in 2010. Police have only circumstantial evidence against John, but arrested him when he began moving things from his home.

John Heath had a divorce attorney file papers because he suspected his wife was cheating on him, but things took a tragic turn. He has a history of a violent temper and marriage counselor told police that he displayed “volatility and rage,” during their sessions.

Victims of domestic violence often struggle to get away from their violent spouses. A terrible tragedy can occur if these women don’t get the assistance of a domestic violence counselor or a divorce attorney to help them leave their abusive spouses.

A judge will easily grant a victim of domestic violence dissolution, and a divorce lawyer can assure that abused woman gets the spousal support they need along with custody of their children.