Indianapolis 5/9/2012 11:02:24 PM
News / Law

Indiana attorney, Eric Redman, offers expert foreclosure relief

Being served with a foreclosure notice can make a person feel powerless and confused about what they should do. Troubled homeowners have different options to prevent foreclosure or get some relief for their debts and Indiana foreclosure lawyer Eric Redman can help.

Typically a foreclosure can take many months, before you are evicted and your home is sold at auction. Even though many months will pass before a person must leave their homes, taking action quickly by hiring an Indiana foreclosure attorney can reduce the debt that a person will be burdened with once the foreclosure process has begun.

 Attorney, Eric Redman, can offer his expert advice and determine which steps an indebted homeowner can take to minimize the effects or prevent an eventual foreclosure.

The foreclosure laws can be confusing and a homeowner may not know whether a mortgage modification, a short sale or a personal bankruptcy will benefit them the most. The exact way to prevent foreclosure really depends on the individual’s financial circumstances.

After speaking with you and evaluating your finances, the foreclosure lawyers at Redman Ludwig PC will figure out if a mortgage modification is feasible and will allow you to stay in your home. If this is the right choice, they can negotiate with a mortgage lender to reduce your monthly payment.

With a short sale, the homeowner will be able to pay off some of their mortgage loan, but will still be facing some debt.

If your Indiana foreclosure attorney has exhausted all avenues to prevent foreclosure, an emergency bankruptcy may be your best option. This will not only allow you to stay on your home but will also offer debt relief, by reducing or eliminating your obligations to creditors.

With so many options available to the homeowner, it is best to allow the foreclosure lawyer, Eric Redman, help you make this important decision. His goal is to make this time worry free and do what makes the most financial sense for his client.