New York 5/9/2012 11:02:52 PM
News / Law

Bronx Criminal Lawyer Available to Negotiate Plea Bargains for Clients

With over 25 years of trial experience in State and Federal Court, Peter J. Schaffer is a proven Bronx criminal lawyer.  However, not every case is appropriate for trial.  If you are charged with a crime, you need a seasoned professional to tell you what your chances of success are at trial, and in the alternative, be there for you to negotiate the most favorable plea bargain possible.

Over the last year, Peter J. Schaffer has successfully negotiated plea bargains on behalf of his clients in the New York and Federal District Courts which have potentially saved his clients years in prison, damage to their reputation, and loss of employment.  For example, in numerous cases where his clients have been charged with crimes that could cause them to lose their jobs, New York lawyer Peter Schaffer has fought to get plea bargains to violations - non criminal offenses.  In serious cases in Federal Court, Mr. Schaffer obtained a sentence 15 years below the sentencing guidelines in the case of a kidnapping of a foreign national.  In a number of Federal drug cases, he has convinced the U.S. Attorney to offer pleas to charges that did not carry mandatory minimum sentences.

While his past performance is no guarantee that he can receive the same results for you or your loved one, Peter J. Schaffer looks to use his quarter century of New York City criminal law experience to try to help every client receive an optimal result in every case.  

Peter J. Schaffer is committed to providing the highest level criminal defense at reasonable prices.  Call him now at (718) 585-4444. Located at 184 East 161st Street, Bronx, New York 10451.

Lawyer Peter Schaffer is a member of the national attorney network on

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