Atlanta 5/11/2012 11:42:53 PM
News / Health & Wellness

England’s “Human Barbie” Sarah Burge and daughter enter Georgia’s pageant circuit

Sarah Burge of England became infamous this past December for giving her eight year-old daughter, Poppy, a liposuction voucher for Christmas last year. Now Burge, known as the “Human Barbie,” because of her love of plastic surgery, has entered Poppy in several beauty pageants which will take place in Atlanta, Georgia throughout the month of May. And Burge believes Poppy will give her American counterparts a run for their money.

Burge has spent close to a million dollars on various cosmetic enhancements including regular Botox injections, liposuction and breast augmentations.

For a recent birthday party thrown for Poppy and her friends, Burge gave the girls spray tans and hair extensions, so the duo should feel right at home on the American beauty pageant circuit.

Burge has also encouraged her teenage daughter to have Botox and sees nothing wrong with encouraging her daughters to have plastic surgery if they want to look prettier, stating that their futures may depend on their good looks.

There is nothing wrong with altering your body through Laser Lipo, Smart Lipo, Botox or other cosmetic surgeries, but accredited plastic surgeons don’t always recommend that young girls have these enhancements until they are more mature as their bodies are still developing.

Liposuction doctors can give a person a new lease on life and many people truly need this surgery to boost their self-esteem. This procedure gives people the chance to eliminate fat that doesn’t respond to diet and regular exercise, but this is a decision that must be made out of maturity and with realistic expectations.