New York 5/14/2012 11:29:38 PM
News / Law

GE Washer Overflow Claims Available to be Reviewed by Attorneys

The attorneys working with Class would like to hear from consumers who own a General Electric (GE) washer which has overflowed. It is believed that these individuals could potentially have legal recourse through a class action lawsuit in light of allegations that certain GE washing machines contain a defect which makes them prone to overflows. If you own a GE washing machine that has overflowed, learn more about your potential legal rights by visiting and completing the form on the right. There is no cost or obligation for this online case review.

A number of consumer complaints have surfaced online regarding GE washer overflows. According to these claims, certain GE washing machines fail to stop at the selected water level, and in turn, overflow. These overflows are causing property damage, according to the consumers, some of whom reported that the overflow destroyed their basement; allowed water to leak through a kitchen ceiling; or flooded other areas of the property. It is believed that some of these individuals may be spending money to repair their machines, only to have the problem recur, or purchasing a new washer, even though their current machine is only several years old.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development claims that washing machines should generally last for about 13 years. However, some consumers who claim that their GE washers overflowed said these problems began with only a few years of purchase. If you own a General Electric washing machine which overflowed, visit today for a free case evaluation. Potentially, consumers who experienced overflow problems with their GE washer may have legal recourse through a class action, a type of lawsuit in which a large number of individuals file a collective claim in court seeking compensation for damages. 

About Class

Class is dedicated to protecting consumers and investors in class actions and complex litigation throughout the United States. Class keeps consumers informed about product alerts, recalls, and emerging litigation and helps them take action against the manufacturers of defective products, drugs, and medical devices. Information about consumer fraud issues and environmental hazards is also available on the site. Visit today for a no cost, no obligation case evaluation and information about your consumer rights.