Wailuku 5/15/2012 12:16:27 AM
News / Law

Hawaiian illegal immigrant sentenced to 10 years in prison for sexual molestation

An illegal immigrant accused of sexually molesting a five year old girl has been sentenced to 10 years in prison, and will be deported after his release from prison.

Jose Luis-Hernandez-Dominguez, 47, was accused of repeatedly molesting a five-year old while his wife was babysitting her. Hernandez-Dominguez was able to keep the abuse a secret by threatening to tell authorities about her family’s undocumented status.

Prosecuting attorney Robert Rivera said, “He told her, ‘If you tell your mom, the police will come and get you.’ And this caused the five-year old girl to remain silent and go through these sexual assaults that this man perpetrated on her week after week.”

This highlights the plight of many illegal immigrants, who refuse to report crimes for fear that their undocumented status will be discovered and they will be deported. However, an immigration attorney can get these undocumented individuals a U visa, which allows victims of crime immunity to detention and deportation for a period of four years.

Hernadez-Dominguez’s public defender appealed to the court for leniency on behalf of their client, stating he was a hard-working man who is the sole supporter for his wife and 11 year-old child. But the court sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

Millions of people enter the U.S. illegally or overstay their visas and every one of these individuals face deportation. In some cases, an immigration lawyer can help these people have a legal presence either through obtaining work visas, HB-1 visas, green cards or seeking asylum.

Before anyone enters the country illegally, they should consult with an immigration attorney to see if they are eligible for a visa or naturalization, which will allow them to live without fear and enjoy the full benefits of citizenship.