New York 5/15/2012 3:52:29 AM
News / Law

NYC apartment manager settles sexual harassment lawsuit for $2 million

A New York City apartment manager has settled a sexual harassment lawsuit with the tenants of a West Side building for $2 million.

The lawsuit was filed on behalf of tenants in the building who allege that the superintendent, William Barnason, a convicted sex offender repeatedly demanded sex from tenants. According to the allegations, Barnason would enter women’s apartments while drunk and demand they have intercourse with him. He also subjected them to “grabbing and groping.” If they refused his advances he would retaliate by withholding their mail and repairs or maintenance on their apartments.

Sexual harassment isn’t only a problem in the workplace; it can happen almost anywhere. The victims of this abuse often find the only way to end the hostile behavior is by hiring a sexual harassment attorney.

The women, who came forward with allegations, informed the apartment manager, Stanley Katz of the harassment, but Barnason was still allowed to work in the building. The alleged abuses went on for eight years.

Stanley Katz and Barnason agreed to harassment victims $2 million to settle the case. Barnason will not be allowed to be a building or property manager for any occupied building.

Victims of harassment in many cases can only rely on sexual harassment lawyers to end the abuse and hostility they are subjected to, because employer often fail to properly address these allegations.

With an accomplished sexual harassment attorney the harassed person or persons will be awarded damages for any lost wages and the emotional distress they have endured.