American Idol now has its final two contestants! The last Idol hopeful be ousted from the competition before the season finale was Joshua Ledet, leaving Jessica Sanchez and Phillip Phillips to battle for the title of American Idol next week. Ledet wrapped up the show with his rendition of “It’s a Man’s World.”
Speaking to People magazine after his elimination Ledet admitted he felt relief when the results were revealed. “I was super excited for Phillip and Jessica," he explained. "I was trying to hold a smile up, and I was definitely not upset. I felt relieved. A lot of pressure was off of me, and I feel really good."
“I'm not gonna say I was surprised, because Phillip and Jessica are great, and they have huge fan bases," Ledet said. "They deserve it just like anyone else."
“I felt good about the whole situation, but when people come up to you and try to comfort you and hug you, then the tears start coming, and then a whole bunch of other stuff," he added. "So just getting their support, it kind of took over, and I kind of lost it a little."
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