For many lottery winners the chance occurrence provides a unique opportunity to accomplish a number of financial goals that they may have found difficult to achieve otherwise. Many see their winning lottery ticket as the path to eliminating debt or paying educational expenses while others see it as a perfect avenue to strengthen their retirement plan or purchase secure, long-term investments. Whatever the goal, lottery payments can instantly make their reality all the more attainable.
That being said, larger lottery winnings are often distributed through a structured lottery payout, meaning the winner will receive a set amount of money over a period of time. While this may not sound that bad it can actually prevent a lottery winner from achieving their financial goals or meeting their immediate needs.
This is why many lottery winners opt to sell lottery payments and take a lump sum, giving them access to a large sum of money at once. With more money a lottery winner can then strengthen their position in investments, have more leverage when buying a home, or avoid paying more interest on existing debt or educational costs.
As the only bank specifically designed to serve the unique needs of lottery winners and structured settlement annuitants AnFed Bank has built a strong reputation for providing lottery winners with generous lump sum payments for their lottery winnings. Because AnFed Bank is a division of BofI Federal Bank, a federally chartered, publically traded and FDIC insured bank, lottery winners are dealing directly with the financial institution purchasing the future lottery payments, eliminating the companies who act as nothing more than brokers trying to act as a go-between and take a cut of the money.
Speak with an experienced member of AnFed Bank today and learn how your future lottery payments can be turned in to cash today.