You work hard for your money and want to ensure that you get the most value for every dollar you earn, an attitude that is fostered by Bank of Internet USA. By opening a free checking account at Bank of Internet USA, America’s oldest and most trusted Internet bank, you can rest easy knowing that not only will you will you be afforded a number of rewards but also a number of conveniences that save you time and money.
With a rewards checking account through Bank of Internet USA customers are offered unlimited ATM reimbursements, free Bill Pay, free cash-back Purchase Rewards, and free FinanceWorks money management software just to name a few perks.
To add further value to the money you have earned customers of Bank of Internet USA’s rewards checking program also have the opportunity to earn up to 1.25% APY on all balances and it only takes $100 to open. You can actually earn money just by opening an account.
Bank of Internet USA also understands the value of convenience and with a rewards checking account you will be provided with free online banking, free online images of checks and statements and free online transfers. You will also be proved with a free Visa Debit card to make your purchases easier and have the option of overdraft protection.
Make sure you protect your money, don’t just think that your bank is giving you the best deal. Check out what Bank of Internet USA offers through their rewards checking program and let your money work for you.