Bank on your own terms with a Rewards Checking account from Bank of Internet. Never worry about banking hours again. With a Reward Checking account from Bank of Internet you can do all of your banking online so you'll never have to run to the bank ever again.
Bank of Internet makes it real easy to do your
online banking anywhere you have a computer and an internet connection. With nifty tools like MyDeposit, Bill Pay, and Mobile Banking, Bank of Internet helps you keep track of your money from the comfort of your home or office.
Now with the introduction of the Mobile Deposit App, available for the iPhone and Android, Bank of Internet makes it even easier for their
online Rewards Checking account holders to do their banking on the go. By using the camera function on their mobile devices, users would only have to take a few pictures and tap a few buttons to make a deposit wherever they are.
Rewards Checking from Bank of Internet only requires $100 to start. There are no minimum monthly balances, nor any maintenance fees. Opening an account is quick and easy and only needs a few minutes of your time and an active internet connection.
Open a Rewards Checking account with Bank of Internet today and enjoy the freedom of branchless banking.