Colorado Springs 6/1/2012 9:57:04 PM
News / Religion

The Sacred Path to Spiritual Healing Is Open to All

Many people today are seeking greater spirituality to offset the stress of a modern life style. Keeping up with the hectic pace of technological advances is a challenge. The promise of economic prosperity has evaporated for many of us. Some even question the well-being of the planet. But humans are hard-wired to survive. There is a path that leads back to a balanced body and mind. It’s the path of spiritual healing, and it can be accessed by anyone.

By strengthening and honoring the spiritual dimension in our lives, the trend of negativity that threatens to overwhelm can be dispelled. Spiritual healing takes place by re-evaluating what is most important in life. It’s not a solo effort; there is a vast community of like-minded people seeking the same path. Although from diverse backgrounds they are linked by a common goal. The community provides a new age spiritual forum to which everyone can contribute. Through fellowship and the power of positive thinking great transformations can take place.

One such spiritual forum is It offers a space to find inspiration for the spiritual journey and compassion for those who may stumble on their journey. Learning to lead a more spiritual life is not easy, but there are tools to help initiate the process and provide encouragement along the way. offers free e-books on various spiritual topics to those seeking guidance.

People often forget that intentions and affirmations can have a powerful effect on their lives. At, the free e-book The Big Book of Personal Affirmations and Mantras serves as an initiation into the practice. Reciting affirmations is a common first step to spiritual healing. Affirmations are an element of positive thinking. When momentum is lost for whatever reason and negativity threatens to encroach, all that is left is an affirmation. Repeating the affirmation even when motivation dissolves has the power to renew an outlook. Mantras and affirmations can focus on any topic of concern—love, health, money, success. The Big Book of Personal Affirmations and Mantras guides the reader through the time-honored exercise of imagining, and creating, a better reality.

In our struggles, it is often helpful to look to others who have suffered and ultimately overcome hurdles on the path to happiness. The Big Book of Inspiring Stories is a free e-book that shines a spotlight on the many seekers who have gone before and have triumphed in the face of hardship. Spanning centuries and cultures, the stories nourish the spirit with their message of hope and triumph. Examples of courage and bravery offer encouragement to readers who may have hit a plateau in their own self-development.

Spiritual forums are an educational resource as well. As a newcomer to any endeavor, it’s useful to know where to get answers, whether that be trying to learn what “guided meditation” means or if there is an intersection between science and spirituality. The person who pursues a path of spiritual fulfillment will find many willing partners along the way, eager to help out. It is a worthy way of life, more than ever indispensible to the human condition.