Atlanta 6/2/2012 3:29:56 AM
News / Law

George Zimmerman Ordered Back To Jail After Judge Revokes Bond

George Zimmerman’s bond was revoked Friday by Seminole County Circuit Court Judge Kenneth Lester Jr. after prosecutors argued that the murder suspect and his wife "misrepresented, misled and deceived the court" in his bond hearing in April.

Prosecutor Bernie De la Rionda said the court “was led to believe they didn't have a single penny” when bond was set at $150,000. At the time, Zimmerman and wife Shellie actually had $135,000 from a website set up to receive donations.

"He can't sit back and obtain the benefit of a lower bond based upon those material falsehoods," Lester said Friday.

Zimmerman was also accused of failing to surrender a second passport, but his lawyer shouldered the blame saying Zimmerman gave him the passport and he forgot to turn it in to the court. Zimmerman has 48 hours to return to jail.

The 28-year-old is charged with second degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, 17. Martin, an African American, was unarmed and walking back to the Sanford, Florida home of his father’s fiancé when the shooting occurred on February 26. He was eating skittles, drinking sweet tea, and talking to his girlfriend on the phone when Zimmerman, who was on neighborhood watch, called police claiming the teen was acting suspicious. Zimmerman followed Martin and a brief struggle ensued. The struggle ended with Zimmerman, who is Hispanic, shooting the teen. Police say it is unclear who started the altercation. Zimmerman claims he was acting in self defense.

Martin’s death sparked public outcry with many claiming the teen was targeted because of his race. Protests demanding Zimmerman’s arrest were held across the United States. Zimmerman was arrested and charged on April 11.


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