Often times people agree to a structured settlement so that they can avoid the costs associated with a trail and lawyers and while this may be a smart move it doesn’t always put the annuitant in a position to achieve the financial goals they may have hoped to reach. This is because structured settlements are comprised of periodic payments and these payments typically aren’t enough to make a dramatic impact on an annuitants financial standing.
Rather than take periodic payments what many annuitants opt to do is sell their future structured settlements for lump sum payments, giving them a larger pool of money at once. With this lump sum payment an annuitant can then pay off their debt, take care of educational expenses, buy a home, invest in business ventures, or whatever their goal may be.
Of course it should be known that while many companies express a willingness to buy structured settlements most of these companies aren’t looking to give you what the structured settlement payments are really worth. This is what separates AnFed Bank from the rest. As the only bank specifically designed to serve the unique needs of structured settlement annuitants and lottery winners AnFed Bank is committed to providing annuitants with a generous lump sum payment.
While other companies are nothing more than brokers who try to wedge themselves between an annuitant and a financial institution, purchasing the structured settlements at a low price and trying to sell high, AnFed Bank is the financial institution which means there is no middleman and that means more money to the annuitant.
If you have a structured settlement and you are looking to sell all or part of your future payments request a free consultation with AnFed Bank and find out how you can get what your payments are really worth.