While the decision to sell future structured settlement payments may be easy for an annuitant finding the right buyer can prove to be a bit more problematic. Not every buyer is going to offer the same amount for your structured settlement and it’s important to recognize this fact and take the time to get the most money for your payments.
Many of these companies who offer to buy structured settlement payments are nothing more than a broker, wedging themselves between an annuitant and a financial institution. Because these companies want to make more money they offer an annuitant less money for their structured settlement. Fortunately an annuitant doesn’t have to settle for less.
At AnFed Bank, the only bank specifically designed to serve the unique needs of structured settlement annuitants and lottery winners, structured settlement annuitants can get what their payments are really worth. Unlike the companies who act as brokers, AnFed Bank is the financial institution, meaning you can eliminate the middle man and get more money.
AnFed Bank is willing to purchase as much of an annuitant’s future structured settlement payments as they want to sell. When that decision has been made AnFed Bank will then provide a generous lump sum so that the annuitant can the annuitant has access to a larger pool of money to meet their financial needs as well as their goals.
If you have a structured settlement and you are looking to sell all or part of your future payments request a free consultation with AnFed Bank and find out how you can get what your payments are really worth.