Trenton, NJ 6/9/2012 3:09:00 AM
News / Law

New Jersey Lawmakers Push for Stiffer Repeat DUI Penalties

If you have ever been arrested for DU more than once, you know the penalties can pretty tough, but lawmakers in New Jersey don’t think they are tough enough.

On Thursday, a bill advanced through the assembly that would affect people who have been arrested for DUI two or more times within a sixty days. Many people are able to minimize the penalties of a DUI charge with the help of a savvy DUI attorney, but lawmakers want repeat offenders to be treated more harshly.

The new legislation would treat a repeat drunk driving charge as a fourth-degree offense, increasing the fine to $10,000 and changing the minimum mandatory jail sentence to 18 months.

The new legislation was spurred by a recent incident where a man was charged five times for drunk driving in a five week period. During one incident the man ran into a school bus that was unloading children and fled the scene.

One DUI is bad enough and will mar your record forever, jeopardizing future job prospects, but repeat offenses are even worse. A second or third intoxicated driving arrest can lead to a jail sentence unless you have an effective DUI defense.

New Jersey DUI attorney has extensive knowledge of the courts and the state’s DUI laws. This knowledge helps them challenge any charges and get leniency for their clients.

With your future in jeopardy, no one who has been arrested for intoxicated driving can afford to appear in court without legal representation. Your New Jersey DUI lawyer will fight to prevent a DUI conviction.