While agreeing to a structured settlement may save you a considerable amount of money in court costs and legal fees many annuitants find that the periodic payments that come with structured settlements aren’t enough for them to meet their immediate financial obligations or help them achieve their financial goals. To remedy this problem many annuitants opt to sell structured settlement payments and take a lump sum.
Of course there are a number of companies that offer to buy structured settlements, promising annuitants a large sum of money in return for those periodic payments, but not all companies offer the same amount. In fact, many companies are simply acting as brokers, buying structured settlements and then selling them to a financial institution for a profit.
These are the kind of companies that an annuitant should avoid when selling their structured settlements, instead they should be looking for a company like AnFed Bank, the only bank specifically designed to serve the unique needs of structured settlement annuitants and lottery winners. As a division of BofI Federal Bank, a federally chartered, publically traded and FDIC insured bank, AnFed Bank is the financial institution meaning there is no middleman. With no middleman an annuitant can receive more money for their structured settlements.
AnFed Bank is willing to purchase as much of an annuitant’s future structured settlement payments as they want to sell, promising a generous lump sum that reflects the true worth of those payments. With this larger lump sum payment an annuitant can satisfy the obligations and goals they have outlined, whether that be to eliminate debt, pay off educational costs, purchase a home or invest in business ventures.