Charlotte 6/13/2012 12:58:04 AM
News / Law

Workers in North Carolina Can Fight Sexual Harassment

Sometimes in the workplace people say things or make jokes that are sexual in nature. This may make a person feel uncomfortable, but if it happened once most people will let it go. However sometimes these sexual jokes and comments continue and are often directed towards one person. When this happens an employee can take a stand against their harassers and stop the abuse.

An employee who is subjected to repeated sexual comments or solicitations for sex must first directly address their harassers and ask them to stop. Should this fail to stop the behavior they must then report the incidents to a supervisor. But too often this fails to stop the harassment.

Many employees, who do the right thing by reporting workplace abuse, find they become the target of retaliation or their allegations are dismissed as frivolous or overly sensitive. The harassed employee after reporting the incident to no avail often turns to a North Carolina sexual harassment lawyer to put an end to the misconduct.

Many employers often respond to allegations of sexual harassment by taking action against the employee that reports the incident. A harassed employee may find that they w fired, denied raises or promotions. This is referred to as retaliation, and when this happens a sexual harassment attorney can seek damages for lost wages and emotional distress.

By not taking allegations of harassment seriously, employers created a hostile work environment. This not only affects the productivity of the abused, but of other employees as well. When this behavior is allowed to continue, the victim can fight against the abuse with assistance of a North Carolina sexual harassment attorney.