New York 6/13/2012 1:02:27 AM
News / Law

Women’s NBA Coach Accused of Sexually Harassing Former Security Guard

A former NBA Security guard alleges that University of Connecticut women’s basketball coach, Geno Auriemma, sexually harassed her while on assignment in Russia.

Kelly Hardwick, who was once a NYPD officer, filed a sexual harassment and retaliation suit against Auriemma claiming he tried to kiss her and removed her from an assignment after she refused his advances.

On the night in question, the team was in Russia for a tournament when Auriemma approached Hardwick who was having a drink in the hotel bar with a friend when the coach inserted himself in their conversation. Hardwick then decided to retire to her room and he followed her. When they reached her room Hardwick says Auriemma tried to kiss her. She pushed him away and warned him to stop.

Hardwick reported the incident to the NBA upon the team’s return, but according to her allegations the organization took no action. Shortly, after reporting the incident, Hardwick was denied an assignment to the 2012 Olympics which she believes was retaliation.

Hardwick then hired a sexual harassment attorney and filed her lawsuit against Auriemma in a New York court. The lawsuit also accuses the NBA of discrimination based on her gender, alleging she was denied promotions and raises.

Auriemma denies the allegations.                                                                          

When an employee is subjected to a hostile work environment and retaliation they may be eligible for compensation if they have a strong case. The person subjected to harassment and discrimination can seek damages for their emotional distress and lost wages with the representation of a New York sexual harassment lawyer.

No employee has to tolerate this workplace abuse. With a New York sexual harassment attorney on their side they can put an end to their harassment.