New York 6/13/2012 10:43:05 PM
News / Law

How to Help Your Child Get through Divorce

Divorce is a stressful time both for the couple and their children. This is a time that is marked by transition and heightened emotions and children can be affected in ways that shape their outlook on life and impact their future relationships.

One of the primary reasons a couple needs the help of a divorce attorney is to get a favorable child custody agreement. But often times, children are used as a means by which a jilted spouse gets back at their partner. A couple should always communicate with their children and find out which parent they want to live with or how much time they want to spend with each parent. Meet their needs any way you can.

During dissolution, parents should talk to their children about their emotions. Gauge how they are feeling and help them understand the why and how of a divorce. Children need to know their parents consider their feelings. And by all means make them understand that the divorce isn’t their fault.

If your child is having behavioral problems they might benefit from some counseling. Sometimes it is easier to speak about a situation with an impartial third-party. This gives them the chance to express their emotions without fear their parents will be hurt.

And most importantly don’t drag your child into your marital conflicts. It’s simply not fair to involve children in disagreements where they may feel the need to take sides. You should ask them to spy on your estranged spouse for you or talk bad about one another in their presence.

Divorce is rough on adults and children alike. Once you have filed for separation, a New York divorce attorney can make it easier to settle child custody and support issues, allowing the family to make a less rocky and quicker transition into their new lives.

A divorce lawyer in New York can make your transition from married life to single life easier so you can focus on helping you children through this troubled time.