New York 6/13/2012 10:47:47 PM
News / Law

What Celebrities Can Teach Us about Divorce

Celebrities don’t have a good track record when it comes to marriage. And while some celebrity couples have long lasting marriages, many others are seasoned pros when it comes to dissolutions. We could learn a lot from our favorite stars when it comes to divorce.

Have a divorce lawyer draw up a pre-nuptial agreement. Pre-nups may offend our romantic sensibilities but can save a couple from a protracted divorce battle. These “contracts” can help dictate what assets will be divided and who will get custody of any children. Although these agreements can be challenged, the majority of courts will uphold all of the provisions included in a pre-nuptial. Many celebrities who didn’t have a pre-nuptial got taken to the cleaners, such as Mel Gibson, who had to pay out $90 million to his first wife. Kelsey Grammar got taken for $50 million, so definitely have a pre-nuptial, especially if you are wealthy or have a lot of assets.

Don’t air your grievances about your estranged spouse in public or on the internet. Savvy divorce attorneys can use any public slander as evidence against you. An overwhelming majority of family law attorneys use social media sites like Facebook to gather incriminating information that can be used against you to get a favorable child custody agreement or financial settlement for your spouse. Kim Kardashian may have already been granted a divorce, but she slandered Kris Humphries, causing him to file many different motions and fight back.

Make certain you comply with child custody agreements; don’t deny visitation if the courts have granted it to a spouse. This could make your divorce even more contentious requiring months of divorce lawyer meetings and numerous court appearances. Children should never be used to get back at your partner.